Friends of Texas Public Schools ISD Network Membership Enrollment for the 21/22 school year is NOW OPEN!

posted on August 13 - 08:35 AM
By Josh -

Friends of Texas Public Schools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2004 to combat the widespread message of failure being attributed to our schools. Your participation enables Friends to continue defending your honor by collecting and sharing your many strengths and achievements...and there are plenty!

As a Network Member, your ISD partnership helps Friends of Texas Public Schools support and defend the critical importance of public education in Texas. As we approach the new school year, the need for strong advocacy and positive public relations have never been more urgent for public schools. Your support is more important than ever! It is our mission to share the truth regarding Texas public school efforts, to bolster support of the vast majority who believe in public education, and to counter the false narratives of public education as a failed institution. We need your help to continue our work.  To learn more about your ISD becoming a Network Member, click here. Businesses may learn more about our Corporate Partner Program here.