Leon|Alcala, PLLC

The TexasISD.com SuperSearch chart exists to inform the public of vacancies and their progress as they develop and are finally filled.  To update and fill in the gaps we rely on public news source and input from our readers.  We do our best to represent each school district that we are aware of with a vacancy.  The basic representation of a superintendent vacancy consist of the school name with the text hyperlinked to the school district’s web the status of the vacancy, who is doing the search, and if available, a link to the vacancy listing on TASAnet.org. Any detailed information concerning these searches will be listed exclusively on The Lone Finalist.

For a flat fee of $200 a school district or search firm representing the school district with the vacancy can sponsor their vacancy.  This allows the sponsor much control of the information and appearance of the vacancy listed on the Expanded SuperSearch Chart (fig. 1)as well as its appearance on the SuperSummary Chart (fig. 2) on the front page of TexasISD.com. Along with the ability to change information the sponsor may select things like background colors, fonts, graphics, and hyperlinks. Upon posting of your search a notification email is sent out to all subscribers (the majority of whom are superintendents) to TexasISD.com's The Lone Finalist alerting them of the job opening. Sponsored searches are also moved to the top of each list in order to give them the most exposure possible. Sponsored searches also have the ability to post any digitized documents like brochures and information packets online and link them to their search.  Changes in information as the search progresses are free of charge and are encouraged.  Along with the information posted on the SuperSearch chart you may also provide TexasISD.com with any news links and press releases to be published in the news section of TexasISD.com.

Any further questions or inquiries can be sent to supersearch@texasisd.com

Figure 1. - Examples From The Expanded SuperSearch Chart


Standard Listing     


Figure 2. - SuperSummary Chart found on the front page of TexasISD.com