Raise Your Hand Texas: House Bill 5: Past, Present and Future

posted on October 27 - 08:35 AM
By Josh - TexasISD.com

You may have heard about House Bill 5, the landmark legislation passed during the 83rd Legislative Session that reduced the number of high-stakes tests for high school students and created more flexible and tailored graduation paths to increase college and workforce preparedness in Texas. The bill now is being implemented in districts and schools and it is critical for students, parents, educators, and industry and community leaders to understand its offerings and impacts.

Raise Your Hand Texas recently published a six-part blog series, “House Bill 5: Past, Present and Future” to help share how the legislation is unfolding across the state and what it means to you.
HB 5 and Meeting Industry Needs in Texas
HB 5 Brings K-12 & Higher Ed Partnerships
Why House Bill 5 Matters to Parents
House Bill 5 Empowers Students
House Bill 5 and the Advocacy Experience