Joe’s Commentary: It is Election Day

posted on November 05 - 09:00 AM
By Josh -

It is Election Day - November 5, 2019.- The only thing left to be said is, if you did not vote early, Vote Today.

Early voting numbers were pretty normal; analyses comparing voter turnout over the past few years will be available later in the week. Voter participation is always better in school districts that are pushing school board and bond elections.The following comment is from the Brazos County newspaper, The Facts.

ANGLETON — Despite bond issues from two Brazoria County school districts appearing on the ballot and a special city council election in its most populous city, early turnout for today’s general election did not fare better locally than across Texas.

Of more than 210,000 eligible voters in the county, only 11,298 filled out their ballot by mail or in person in the two weeks of early voting that ended Friday. That amounts to about 5 percent turnout, which is the same as the statewide rate.

In Houston Harris County saw a nearly 3% drop in early voting turnout compared to 2015. Charles Kufner in his blog, “Off the Kuff,” made the following observation:

Early voting ended Friday with a late surge in turnout among Harris County voters, surpassing voter participation in some prior mayoral election years but falling short of totals seen during the last city election in 2015. A wrap up for early voting.

“For all the money spent, all the bluster, all the hype — that has done nothing to increase the turnout,” said Houston Democratic strategist Keir Murray. 

Encourage staff to vote - Remember schools should encourage the building of a culture of voting. I saw this Election Day tweet today from LYS - Culture is: The living breathing essence of what an organization/team values, believes, says and does. (@JonGordon11) -