2017-18 LPE-DPE Side-by-Side Template

posted on May 17 - 08:40 AM
By Joe - TexasISD.com

Note from Woody: 2017-18 LPE-DPE Side-by-Side Template (r5 wb9)  State Funding has changed the Web SOF as of 5/8/18. I have updated the side-by-side template to reflect these changes. They expect to make another change at the end of May (as Omar says, "stay tuned").  Be sure to re-enter your previous and current six weeks attendance data since numbers often change with corrections. Remember!!  This template is an "as is projection" of your state and local revenue based on you current data. 
LINK to 2017-18 LPE-DPE Template (r5,wb9)